Posts tagged with “photography”

Mejiro is 10 today

My humble jumble of PHP code I call Mejiro celebrates its 10th anniversary today. As good an occasion as any to raise a glass and get all nostalgic. Cheers!

The limits of open-source photography

Usually, an article like the one you're about to read would go something like this. First, I'll establish my credentials by telling you how many articles and books about open-source photography I've written. Then I'll tell you how much I rely on open-source software in my photography workflow and how much I appreciate the tools I use. And then there will be the inevitable but segue.

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Let's talk about camera straps

And by "let's talk" I mean I'll do the ranting, and you decide whether you want to stick around.

I already have a perfect neck strap. I got it for free when I bought a Nikon FE in Ginza, Tokyo. I think it was in 2013. The strap served me well with a variety of film cameras, and now I'm using it with my Nikon D800. Despite its age, the strap looks like new. While it's the most unremarkable neck strap, it's also everything a good neck strap should be. There is no branding whatsoever to attract attention. It's made of a single piece of webbing, so there is no stitching that can fail. The strap is soft, and its loops are made of strong plastic. This means that 1) I can wrap the strap around the camera or lens, 2) do so without worrying about scratches, and 3) I can loop the strap around my wrist, so it can act as a wrist strap. There is an anti-slip strip on the inside of the strap. In short, it's an affordable, simple, reliable, and functional strap.

This is what an affordable, simple, reliable, and functional neck strap looks like
![Photo of a camera neck strap]( Continue reading

Rome, Florence, Orvieto, and Naples in ten days with Nikon D800 and an iPad

In which we eat trapizzini, take photos of Cinquecentos, enjoy the quaint charm of Orvieto, gawk at a skull with ears in Naples, and eat more trapizzini.

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digiKam: Quickly group RAW and JPG files

This clever tip was shared by Paul Marfell on the digiKam Users mailing list. To keep things tidy, digiKam makes it possible to stack related JPEG and RAW files on top of each other. Doing this manually is not that difficult, but if you have to do it dozens or even hundreds of times, that can quickly become a time-consuming and laborious endeavor.

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