Posts tagged with “personal”

A proper good-bye to Little Backup Box

Little Backup Box has been by far my most successful and popular project. But about two years ago, I chose to transfer it to a new maintainer, effectively abandoning the project. The other day, it occurred to me that I had never said a proper good-bye to my project. So here it goes.

As it often happens, I started working on the project to solve a problem I had: I didn't want to schlep around a laptop when traveling, but I wanted to have a backup solution to keep my photos safe. As Raspberry Pi had been making waves as a versatile platform for all kinds of projects, I thought I'd try to build a Raspberry Pi-based backup appliance that would replace a proper laptop. And over the years, various Raspberry Pi models running Little Backup Box served me well during my travels.

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On music and underwear

Taste in music is like underwear: everybody has their personal preferences, nobody really wants to know what they are.

On getting old

When you're 21

  • Start drinking with your uni mates at 8 p.m.
  • Run out of vodka by 3 a.m.
  • Realize you haven't had a proper meal in the entire day. Walk to a 24/7 greasy spoon on the other side of town to get a hot meal (with occasional cockroaches in it) at 4 a.m.
  • Back in the dorm room by 5 a.m. Smoke and talk about literature, politics, philosophy, and whatnot till 7 a.m.
  • Realize you have lectures at 9am.
  • Sleep for an hour and attend lectures the rest of the day.

When you're 54

  • Wake up and celebrate the fact that you slept well and didn't have to get up during the night to pee.

Mejiro is 10 today

My humble jumble of PHP code I call Mejiro celebrates its 10th anniversary today. As good an occasion as any to raise a glass and get all nostalgic. Cheers!

The limits of open-source photography

Usually, an article like the one you're about to read would go something like this. First, I'll establish my credentials by telling you how many articles and books about open-source photography I've written. Then I'll tell you how much I rely on open-source software in my photography workflow and how much I appreciate the tools I use. And then there will be the inevitable but segue.

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